






O mně: NOTE: Due to the new policies of this website we will not upload more videos until they ask for some logical requirements. It is absurd that the same video with the same permissions approve it in its part of payment and here they reject it. We have more than 120 videos uploaded to our profile on Porn Hub, you just have to look for our same username and you can find us. Videos are free just like here. **************** We are a couple. I am a mistress and he is my slave. I adore torturing my slave's cock. I love torturing his feet, asshole and the rest of painful parts too. I usually upload a new video twice a week, trying to film new different acts and scenes. I would be pleased to hear your ideas. You can write it in the comments and I'll try to include them in my future videos. Add me to your friends to be the first viewing my new videos.

O mně

NOTE: Due to the new policies of this website we will not upload more videos until they ask for some logical requirements. It is absurd that the same video with the same permissions approve it in its part of payment and here they reject it. We have more than 120 videos uploaded to our profile on Porn Hub, you just have to look for our same username and you can find us. Videos are free just like here.
We are a couple. I am a mistress and he is my slave. I adore torturing my slave's cock. I love torturing his feet, asshole and the rest of painful parts too. I usually upload a new video twice a week, trying to film new different acts and scenes. I would be pleased to hear your ideas. You can write it in the comments and I'll try to include them in my future videos. Add me to your friends to be the first viewing my new videos.
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